2014 Cape Town Co-educators

2014 Cape Town Co-educators

Chapman's Peak

At Chapman's Peak
Back row: Manuela, Johnny, Morgan, Jenna, Lauren, Drew, Allie, David, Ken, Sarah, Emily K, Ava
Middle row: Jen, Savannah, Val, Emily B, Cassie, Katrina, Emily W
Front row: Snigdha,Tina, Jessica, Melanie, Courtney, Ryan
Very front: Kiya

Welcome to our blog


As anyone who has participated in UConn's Study Abroad in Cape Town Program can attest, there are no words to adequately explain the depth of the experiences, no illustrations to sufficiently describe the hospitality of the people, and no pictures to begin to capture the exquisiteness of the scenery. Therefore this blog is merely intended to provide an unfolding story of the twenty-six 2014 co-educators who are traveling together as companions on this amazing journey.

As Resident Director and Faculty Advisor of this program since 2008 it is once again my privilege and honor to accompany yet another group of exceptional students to this place I have come to know and love.

In peace, with hope,
Marita McComiskey, PhD

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jen's loving her internship after one day

During my interview I expressed my passion for education and children, and I remember exactly that Vernon said, “I think you will be a good fit for Christel House School”.  When this was said, I remember picturing a small little school, with little to no funding at all. Children having to sit on the floor because there weren’t enough desks for the students, I was basically picturing the poorest of the poor. When we were visiting internships and we were approaching Christel House, I was definitely shocked by how nice it is. When they explained how Christel House was implemented and how it worked I was shocked to know that one person has impacted the lives of so many children.

I was definitely nervous when going, I didn’t know what to expect or if they were going to like me. But I figured that regardless of the fact I am in Cape Town and I’m here for the experience regardless of what that might come attach with.
Christel De Hann, founder of Christel House Schools
Everyone there was extremely nice to me, I really enjoyed talking to the teachers, I also liked the fact that I was not portrayed as a girl but as an adult. The kids ARE AMAZING, I have fallen in love with them. They are all very cordial and greet every elder, even though I’m just a few years older than some of them.  I love the fact that they call me MS. Jen it always brings a smile to my face when I hear a kid calling for me and I doubt that will ever get old. One of my favorite things about interning at Christel House School is the fact that the kids run up to you to hug you, I cant imagine someone having a bad day and leaving cranky from that school. I’m excited for what I’m going to be doing in the future because I will be doing home visits and will also get to interact with the children. I do believe that I got the better end of the deal with any internship; though many of the internships are extremely interesting but I honestly can’t imagine a better way to spend the day than enjoy the innocence of children.  

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