2014 Cape Town Co-educators

2014 Cape Town Co-educators

Chapman's Peak

At Chapman's Peak
Back row: Manuela, Johnny, Morgan, Jenna, Lauren, Drew, Allie, David, Ken, Sarah, Emily K, Ava
Middle row: Jen, Savannah, Val, Emily B, Cassie, Katrina, Emily W
Front row: Snigdha,Tina, Jessica, Melanie, Courtney, Ryan
Very front: Kiya

Welcome to our blog


As anyone who has participated in UConn's Study Abroad in Cape Town Program can attest, there are no words to adequately explain the depth of the experiences, no illustrations to sufficiently describe the hospitality of the people, and no pictures to begin to capture the exquisiteness of the scenery. Therefore this blog is merely intended to provide an unfolding story of the twenty-six 2014 co-educators who are traveling together as companions on this amazing journey.

As Resident Director and Faculty Advisor of this program since 2008 it is once again my privilege and honor to accompany yet another group of exceptional students to this place I have come to know and love.

In peace, with hope,
Marita McComiskey, PhD

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Emily K is indescribably excited

My name is Emily Kaufman, I'm 19, have a double major in Human Rights and Cognitive Science, and am a sophomore. I am indescribably excited to return to Cape Town! I fell in love with South Africa when I had the opportunity to volunteer there for six weeks in high school and I may have based some of my decision to come to UConn on the phenomenal study abroad program in South Africa. Cape Town is more than just a beautiful place, it's filled with some of the most incredible people I have ever encountered and the thought of returning to engage once again in that incredible community makes me so happy!

I am excited for all aspects of this trip, maybe even the 24 hour plane ride because at the end of that trip we descend into the mountains of Cape Town! The last time I was in Cape Town I was seventeen and while the age difference between seventeen and nineteen may not seem like a lot with my studies here at UConn I feel that I am so much more prepared to engage in the enriching environment Cape Town provides. I am excited to see South Africa and some of the sights through a focus now more shaped by human rights and in the context which our classes and internship will provide. You might think I might be less excited having experienced Cape Town before but just knowing what awaits me there just adds to the feeling!

I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone going on the trip and prepare for our amazing expedition to Cape Town!!

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